Let’s come together to dedicate brick pavers for our deceased family members at the future Josiah Henson Park Museum and Education Center in Maryland.

The engraved pavers will be placed along the Josiah Henson “Footsteps to Freedom” path used as part of the way-finding program of the Josiah Henson Park in perpetuity. We plan to get the 12×12 pavers listed below (see paver details). If you want to get your own paver, please fill out the form here.

We have finally compiled a list of deceased family members to add to the pavers. We hope to raise $2000 for 3 pavers (1 – $1000, 2 – $500). To donate, click the Donate button in the menu or here.


Hold 8 lines of text

$125 per name engraved

20 characters per line (includes punctuation and spaces)




Hold 6 lines of text

20 characters per line (includes punctuation and spaces)




Hold 3 lines of text

20 characters per line (includes punctuation and spaces)